New Blog, Who Dis???

I have never been one for new year's resolutions for a number of reasons. Okay one reason. I am lazy. And who actually does them anyway? Will I actually lose 2 stone? Fuck off will I. Will I really do all of the washing up before it starts to smell slightly? Highly unlikely if not totally perverse. Why lie to myself with blind optimism? 

Well not this year. This year I will do everything I want to, exactly as I want to do it and I shall make bad choices and I'll bloody well enjoy it. New years day was an exceptional start to this new motto and I have to say I felt jolly smug as I walked home from my friend's house, bra in pocket, lipstick on point, and blissfully impassive to the dirty looks from every OAP in the whole of Bath. I had had a good night, partied hard and for the first time ever, thoroughly enjoyed new year's eve. Since then I have ticked not one but THREE boxes on my list of goals for 2018 and I feel damn good about it.

Not so much resolutions as a list of goals and reminders for the coming year, my list is rather long. Here goes...

1. Be brave and go for a wax.

Of the bikini region that is. This shall be an honest space and I shan't lie to myself or you by trying to tone it down and pretending I'm going to get my legs waxed. All I'll say is it fucking hurt but 10/10 would recommend to a friend. Silky smooth.

2. Service the fucking car. 

Having had to say goodbye my beloved Millie just over a year ago (may she rest in peace), I realised  that I've not had Maud serviced since I bought her (with lots of borrowed money hahaha debt). Haven't done this yet but I did get one of her headlights replaced so that's something at least.

3. See my friends and family and go out more.

Having spent Christmas with family and my birthday and new year with different friends, I've felt bloody loved and realised what saviors they all are and vowed to go out properly at least once a month. January's outing tbc.

4. Get colour matched and buy a good foundation. 

I'm not a big one for foundation but recently I've gotten big into lipstick and it seems a shame to have lovely red lips and dark eyes but shit skin sometimes, so off to Boots I go. 

5. Find a roommate and move house. 

Still coming to terms with this one. As much as I love my flat I know it'll do me good to live with someone else and free up so much extra money that I can use on fun things (and treating my mum, who shall henceforth be known as Queen Lynn). 

6. Put up more pictures around the house.

To remind me of the fun I've had and encourage me to have more.

7. Take down the desk.

The desk that lives in the corner of my living room looking untidy and was intended as a space to do university work until I dropped out after one term and underwent the quarter life crisis. 

8. Have regular haircuts. 

The last year they've been v irregular and far too long in between. Considering dying my hair blonder with a home colour kit jobby but likely need to be slightly tipsy to feel brave enough.

9. Go to the dentist.

Stop being such a pussy.

10. Start writing - even if no one reads it.

11. Send thank you letters on time.

Notorious for this. So sorry all.

13. Visit Granny and Grampy.

Even if you have to go by yourself and you're nervous to make conversation with old people.

14. Sing.

Something I miss every day after having singing lessons and being part of choirs for 8 years. Actually quite good I'll have you know but now too embarrassed to sing properly for people because I know I used to be better. Must start retraining my voice.

15. Read more.

16. Clear out the wardrobe.

Be brutal, you're probably not going to lose two dress sizes, babe xoxo

17. Change the bed no less than once a month.

January complete.

18. See David's house. 

My older brother who has lived in said house for almost a year yet we still haven't made time to see each other.

19. Buy new bras and work the tattas.

20. Put away ALL your clothes at least once a month.

I don't know why I say at least when we all know I will do the bare minimum and nothing more.

21. Take photos and document.

22. Sort your contraception.

It's a whole thing, I might tell you later. 
23. Sort the cables behind the tellie.

As lovely as the £9 Ikea TV stand is, it doesn't leave much to the imagination. To tell the COMPLETE truth, I still have Christmas lights behind there from last year. As in Christmas 2016. I didn't even have a tree this year. Shame on me.

24. Host a party/ family gathering. 

I LOVE hosting and catering and intended to have everyone over last summer for afternoon tea in the garden but pussied out because it was too much hassle trying to organise a guest list that didn't hate each other. 

25. See Caroline AND the boys. 

Caroline being my dad's ex fiance and the boys being her three sons. Since they split up 4(ish?) years ago I've barely seen them and miss them often. 

26. Sort out your online banking. 

Having not logged in to my online banking on my phone since I got it a year ago I should probably prioritise this. 

27. Do your fucking filing, woman.

It's been over a year.

28. Buy new Vans.

Now considering buying Dr. Martens instead after reading another blog post about them. You should also read it here

29. Get a tattoo.

After being snaked by best friend who said they'd have theirs done at the same time, I am left to fend for myself in the tattoo world. Inquiries have been made. Updates will be given. 

30. Be honest. 

With yourself, with your friends, with your colleagues. Don't skirt around the truth. But also be kind. Be so, so kind.

This year will be about self care and self love and bravery. 2018 come at me. Me and my freshly waxed bikini line are more than ready.


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